Channel strip level meter not indicating volume level when playing back a recorded audio track
Hi have just downloaded Logic Pro to new MacBook, linked to Scarlett Audio Interface. Everything seems fine EXCEPT ...on playback of a recorded audio track.
Issue: The audio track/s are recording absolutely fine ..via multiple inputs ...doing everything they should and volume is registering (while recording) in the individual track channel strip level meters. Prior to recording the individual track channel strip level meters ARE showing the volume of the audio inputs.
On Playback, the audio track volume is registering in the summed stereo channel strip BUT NOT showing in the individual audio track channel strip level meters. The audio tracks are however playing back fine and can be manipulated eg via automation etc...
Not had this issue on previous Mac with the same audio interface and hardware setup.
Question: What is the correct setting to ensure the volume of recorded audio tracks on playback is by default indicated in the audio track channel strip level meters ?
To confirm this issue does not occur for software instrument tracks.
Any advice to fix this would be gratefully received. Thank you very much. J