itunes media folder reset back to default in iTunes error. The default is nowhere near my setting.
I installed iTunes and Match on a new PC before turning off my old primary system.
My library successfully iTunes Matched at W:\Data\iTunes\.
The folders below here 'Autimatically Add to iTunes', 'Home Videos' and 'Music' are there and fully populated. 'Music' contians 114GB of the music so far.
I open iTunes tonight and the app has somehow reverted to the default C:\Users\my user\Music\iTunes
Now I held down the shift key and started iTunes to choose library.
What is the "File Name" requested for my location the app lost?
Do I have to choose a new location and import my music again? Where are these steps?
If I do have to start over, is iTunes no longer reliable? I have to import my music and wait for the cloud to catch up every time I open the app?
Sorry I am really confused but it is a new system. The backup process is nto fully implemented and I am about to make a 4th 114 gigabyte copy of my music?
Please help complete this whole recovery and prevent it from re-occurring. All the other answers in the community are incomplete.
Windows, Windows 10