iTunes playlist
I had compiled a playlist month’s ago from multiple playlists consisting of entire album. when I started to play this I noticed two songs that it appeared I added to this playlist twice. I tapped the 3 dots and was given the the option to “delete from library” or “ remove download”. There isn’t an option to “ delete from playlist”I selected “delete from library”. Both duplicates were removed rather than just the duplication.
further, when I went back to the album playlist to add this particular song back to the various song playlist, it was gone from the album playlist. I went to the iTunes Store and brought up that album to find that 3 of the tracks indicate that they were purchased while the remainder have the “play” button beside them. The song that disappeared from my various list is included with the other 2 as “purchased “
to complicate matters, when I went to the album that included the track I wished to add back to the various playlist, somehow the remainder of the various playlist was added to the album track list. At that point I resigned to recompile the various playlist, deleted the album playlist/ various playlist combinations. I then went to my downloads to first reload the album and the initial song that was taken from this album and started this whole chain of events was now missing from the purchased album.
My question is how do I recover the missing songs? As I said earlier, in purchases the song in question ( along with 2 others) has a “ purchased button “ beside them to thr right of the abbreviated song title while the other songs have the “ play button” to the right. Obviously tapping the “ purchased “ button does nothing seeing as how I’m currently inquiring as to how to get this purchased track back. and while I’m asking, does anyone else wonder why they don’t have a “ remove from playlist” option rather than just 2 options “ remove from library “ or “ femove download”?