glory264 Said:
"I bought it second hand from someone and I do know the password. The old phone screen is not working and it was laggy so every time I tried to open my screen phone it will start doing things like putting my password for me. It did that and by the end it stoped working. All I’m trying to do now is to put my stuff from the old iPhone to my computer. But im having issues doing it "
eMail these files to yourself.
As for a Password-Locked iPhone...
Request a Refund:
Seems you've been scammed, though a full assumption on my part. So, ask this person for a refund. This is the site they should have used: What to do Before you Sell, Give Away, or Trade in your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support. They should have kown better.
Learn from This:
Next time you go about purchasing a device from someone, request that they let you log into your own iCloud account on it, prior to handing over the money. If they decide to disabide by those rules you've set forth, then do not proceed with the transaction.