I encountered the same problem on Ventura, Initially i tried disabling the launch agent for ptpcamerad:
Ended up disabling it with SIP disabled (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/security/disabling_and_enabling_system_integrity_protection):
sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.ptpcamerad.plist
sudo launchctl disable gui/501/com.apple.ptpcamerad
You can then check with launchctl dumpstate that the service is disabled:
disabled services = {
"com.github.macadmins.Nudge" => enabled
"com.druva.inSyncUpgrade" => enabled
"com.apple.ManagedClientAgent.enrollagent" => disabled
"com.apple.Siri.agent" => enabled
"com.microsoft.update.agent" => enabled
"com.apple.FolderActionsDispatcher" => disabled
"com.apple.ptpcamerad" => disabled
"com.apple.appleseed.seedusaged.postinstall" => disabled
"com.apple.ScriptMenuApp" => disabled
The only problem i encounter is that when i'm enabling SIP again, the service restarts. To keep it disabled, i have to keep SIP disabled which is not recommended.
Still searching for a proper way to disable this launch agent...