My apology for my ignorance in a lot of tech issues. But this was not my primary iCloud address or my alias, it was a new iCloud email address that I set up for one function. I have just deleted it from mail and I am trying to find some simple solutions for email. I was considering setting up another iCloud email address for work for several reasons. One, someone must have sold my work email address and the spam is outrageous, even since I set up spam sieve as recommended in here. I am trying to get away from that, but now I don’t want to set up another email address and not be able to delete it or change it. I like the simplicity of Apple mail, but Outlook just saved me this week since I had my work email synced with Outlook. On the other hand, Outlook periodically blocks our server and I can’t send emails to clients with an Outlook/Live email address. I had hopes of changing the iCloud email address to something I could use to replace my work email address with, but that doesn’t appear possible? Again, I am sorry, I have several issues going on with email and work, and I can’t address all this here unfortunately.