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How do I check my iPhone for spyware/malware

How do I check my iPhone for spyware/malware

iPhone 12

Posted on Apr 28, 2023 7:37 AM

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Posted on May 29, 2023 10:21 AM

I am experiencing remote monitoring. More than that, I have used HO Smart Friend and they DID access my cell phone and view my computer screen THROUGH my phone to see what I was speaking about. That was the first time. So yes, remote accessing an iPhone 14 Plus IS POSSIBLE. I have reset my computer 6 times, it is currently out of my house, I have changed modems, I have reset two iPhones twice after I refused to pay ransom to keep access to contacts and family pictures. I was locked out and changed one phone number, and STILL they did it AGAIN on the changed phone number. I have reported to local county sheriff’s dept 3x, and since they won’t do anything have been instructed to contact a government agency whom I received the information about from a physical and VERY reliable source. They have access to things and I have changed my iCloud accounts more than once! So yes, they can remotely access and CONTROL mic and phone and camera and much more. They do it to me. I’m contacting Apple in a moment and doing EVEN more. Been happening since at least early March, probably longer. Any any weird thing that comes up, verify, question, do it, do not hesitate. I’m sorry to bust your bubble but HO DID remote access one phone and SINCE then I did reset and change my iCloud addresses as well as having gone thru about 20+ email addresses. I’m a no one, an everyday person, no government official etc, yet still organized and sophisticated attacks on ME only. Why?

49 replies
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May 29, 2023 10:21 AM in response to XxRemotelyxMonitoredxX

I am experiencing remote monitoring. More than that, I have used HO Smart Friend and they DID access my cell phone and view my computer screen THROUGH my phone to see what I was speaking about. That was the first time. So yes, remote accessing an iPhone 14 Plus IS POSSIBLE. I have reset my computer 6 times, it is currently out of my house, I have changed modems, I have reset two iPhones twice after I refused to pay ransom to keep access to contacts and family pictures. I was locked out and changed one phone number, and STILL they did it AGAIN on the changed phone number. I have reported to local county sheriff’s dept 3x, and since they won’t do anything have been instructed to contact a government agency whom I received the information about from a physical and VERY reliable source. They have access to things and I have changed my iCloud accounts more than once! So yes, they can remotely access and CONTROL mic and phone and camera and much more. They do it to me. I’m contacting Apple in a moment and doing EVEN more. Been happening since at least early March, probably longer. Any any weird thing that comes up, verify, question, do it, do not hesitate. I’m sorry to bust your bubble but HO DID remote access one phone and SINCE then I did reset and change my iCloud addresses as well as having gone thru about 20+ email addresses. I’m a no one, an everyday person, no government official etc, yet still organized and sophisticated attacks on ME only. Why?

May 9, 2023 10:15 PM in response to Phil0124

I too am experiencing remote monitoring tracking files are edited added and removed settings are changed and any information I enter like passwords are immediately changed or compromised. I’m not hallucinating and it has occurred with different AppleId different passwords 2FA.

backstory. I started noticing my Google Account was giving location data where I had never been then it became obvious that there were multiple devices using these accounts. The only device I own of any kind is the same iPhone. I then tried securing those accounts only to have the password changed each time I went through the secure account routine. Photos appeared in Drive and photos some that were there were edited the metadata. Then I completely removed google from the device all the apps from them. But I lost access to my Apple iCloud acct. I couldn’t get it back. So I created new Apple ID and thought that would fix it. It didn’t. I began to notice the phone overheating battery drawing faster, it was 100% health at the time.

then I noticed settings being changed and that I believed I was being tracked. I called Apple at least I think it was Apple I spoke with. They couldn’t remote look in the device bc my Apple acct was no longer accepting my password. So he led me through another creation of Apple ID. Still my passwords for apps ad websites continued to not accept the passwords I thought were correct. So I began writing them down. At the same time I erased the device through settings and signed back into my Apple acct. Same thing, I knew the passwords I entered were correct.

I tried everything. Erased multiple times created new acct. And then it seemed to work right for about one day. Then, I got a new cellular sim installed where I could access the accounts using different sim. Nothing changed any acct accessed from the device where passwords were entered were subject to being accessed and settings emails and other data would be changed or created. I then went to a library remember I have no other devices including a computer. So I created a new acct. Erased the device and reset it thought that would do. I had forgotten I was using the same email as recovery acct.

I tell you all this bc you are not alone and there are several exploits available for low cost to anyone wanting to spy on your device. And if your phone was a gift like mine then they had plenty time clone your sim. That gives them access to your two step authentication for most accounts by getting all your text messaging if they aren’t getting them from iMessage. But I would like you to Google an app called mSpy. Go to their website and see they offer iCloud acct installation. There for with a cloned sim and the id you use to sign in to iCloud they can reset your password to your iCloud without you knowing and install the software that way. Then when you have difficulty signing in. You will charge the password. Think the problem is solved but little do you know the password you just entered is known by the perpetrators, along with accessing your mic your camera every key stroke every message every thing associated with your device. Every account you sign into every place you go every call or text you make. See therefore it is only one of several remote monitoring software. And if your settings are set to use multiple devices syncing the settings and every aspect of your device management is at the persons control allowing other exploits.

don’t let anyone tell you that an non jail broke iPhone can’t be accessed it and everything you have on it or use can be. I am experiencing it I finically bought a new device new cellular service eSim and have been free of the tracking but my Accts are still being accessed and when using the device it has become apparent my stalker is still at work. I screwed up and placed the old sim in the device and began the process of changing phone number on accts but the ones they targeted are my Apple my cell phone provider and any email accts. I’m at the point of buying Certo software access and a Computer I sleep with my device in my pillow and try to never let it out of sight. I don’t give out the number freely and use it only on the acts I hope are secure. Created from a library computer I know sadly I trust public computer networks better than a brand new iPhone. I am currently searching for solutions Aplle Care refused to admit it was possible and were very little help.

i hope this leads you in the right direction you most likely are not imagining the signs of being infected or tracked. It is real and very possible.

Dec 30, 2023 11:05 PM in response to XxRemotelyxMonitoredxX

I am facing a similar situation, complete access to my phone, settings being changed, people being sent messages from my number, I can't really afford another device at the moment, but I was hoping there was some way to clean my device up, apparently only a phone number is needed, they have access to my camera and mic, and all my sensitive data, I have put my phone in lockdown mode, reset it several times, and nothing has changed, I have reached out and I have been asking questions, but I am just being called crazy, as I am not "important" enough for such a thing to happen, and how it would cost millions for such a thing to be maintained, but I am just caught in the crossfire, it's not just me. everything I am saying is just being disregarded, not sure what to do, hope I can get a new device in the near future

Jan 6, 2024 2:28 PM in response to xLSx123x

this is all so firmilar its scary . for the past 3-4 years now i have tried everything imaginable to rid my devices of whoever has been litening to us and using my cameras even in my tv's to watch us . theres code on evey device and i cant to anything about it. all my devices say they're managed devices and have fwd.links and uplaoded storage to an emulated storge. my files have ones i never put in there nor can i read them they get grayed out same with settings and permissions . i get many messages to ask my administrator . can't open many apps in the app it makes me go through the browser. i have a ton of certificates lots of native and apache also AAA server which i cant change. these files are agreements sayying i have agreed to stuff like text and file editing control deletion and modifying of everything on my phone. there are also tokens and bridges on my network and about 10 manages networks that are set to connect automaticly , even after i turn it off . im not able to delete or forget them either. People love to sound smart and say all this is impossible till it happens to them . outh comes up a lot and end user also rooted trusted super user . i have Linix Ubutan or something like that on my mac too. my ipad too was stolen from outside my hatful mothers house however i called the cellular company to have it deactivated right away . i had trusted my mother before thinking she could help me with this problem but that was my biggest mistke ever . no matter the number of routers modems devices i get rid of and buy all ober again nothing changes theywill have everything on them in no time at all . even though i didnt use any of my old accounts . i did find a small usb just a stubby thing in my computer i brought it to my mother to show her . when i asked where it was and what it was she answered iDK to both questions . its all so messed up. help if there is any out there at all. i even took apart my devices lol thinking i would find a rassberry pie or something . desperate poloce said yup ur hacked but where unable to do anything besides tell me to find someone who knows about this stuff better . also to take pics and video to show them for more evidence . i never did give them any of the evidence i feel like unless i can exsplain whats what to them they dnt get it. so waste of time??????Idk we'll see i have a lot of evidence

Jan 26, 2024 3:45 AM in response to Phil0124

That's a big false. They do NOT need to access ur phone physically. There is multiple companies you can check. for example spyx. So If you are talking something based on the FACTS! please talk it right.

I can't believe we are paying thousands of dollars to new iPhone and someone can track this thousands of dollars iPhone with a demo? Is that a joke ?

Apple has to publish a program can detect `` spy softwares `` they are invisible in your phone, you can't see, you can't check with your own effort.

Apple has to make a program can detect this their IOS softwares to make it safe.

Otherwise Im going to back to 2000 and use a phone that has no internet connection only for talk. Alo to Alo that's very much all.

This is a serious problem. It doesn't matter if you are worth it to ur information think about your kid, your wife, your relations uncle, brother. What about if someone really hates you and want to destroy ur life with a demo spy Software. This is crazy. Apple is a big company if they can't make this phones safe. Im out.

Good luck to everyone who is looking for a help !!!

Feb 6, 2024 9:13 PM in response to quest2346

Regarding the spyware subject, I see that my credentials are naught because I have offered no advisory details. I will outline my formerly proffered advice, including both technical and life advice, in order to help someone feel more in control of his or her privacy, as follows:

1) Come to terms with the sad fact that in a greed-based, market-competitive society, nothing is ever free. Even the air that we breathe comes with a cost. If you need to reach out for support or help of any kind, individuals MAY help you, but organizations exist through their own profit, so you may be further disenfranchised as a result of any help you receive.

2) My technical advice is to beware when using a gmail account as an Apple id. Possibly there is a glitch in Apple software (whereby your iPhone will MANIFEST an icloud account by default for email—as one “Apple Support” person explained), or you have been targeted (less believable, but true) by a focus group who is studying, for example, people’s vulnerability to predatory entities offering “deals” or loans through marketing techniques (I am extending the benefit of the doubt, here). If one person in the latter group has physical access to your phone for a few minutes, he/she may create an alias of your gmail Apple id to gain access in order to essentially clone another device via your alias icloud email account, providing a separate sign-in to your account, and eventually gaining total access to all of your data. Which leads to…

3) Keep your device away from other people and do not let anyone EVER use it.

4) Pay attention to red flags and know that your observations are yours, which makes them valid. Nothing observed by you is ever wrong or crazy. If anyone denies this, that person is telling you that your experiences are not valid. THAT, alone, is a red flag. That person should not be trusted.

5) Try to always be learning to understand the shifting nature of the hierarchy of the corporate world and learn about outsourcing and third party limitations and responsibilities under the umbrella of the outsourcing corporation. Read small print, read anything you sign, take your time to ask questions.

Good luck.

Oct 9, 2023 8:08 AM in response to Community User

IPhone0723 wrote:

Completely false. If you scroll and read every reason for software update directly from Apple, clearly this tells us that there vulnerabilities and malware if very possible along with remote access codes. Whoever believes this is not true, is uninformed
About the security content of iOS 16.5 and iPadOS 16.5 - Apple Support

You do understand, Apple is fixing those issues? The fact they are fixed means they cannot be used. Almost none of security fixes apple published involve remote hacking, spyware or malware in any way. And only a very limited few have been known to have been actively exploited at one time. Most fixes Apple publishes happen before the actual vulnerability is known or even used on any one.

There are vulnerabilities in different parts of the OS, mostly dealing with website access. Most vulnerabilities require a ton of time, and resources to actually exploit. Unless you are a high value target, nobody is going to spend time and money to hack Joe Schmoe's iPhone.

There is absolutely no way anyone can remotely monitor or access your iPhone in the ways being suggested here.

Most hacks of devices involve access to data on them, not accessing the camera or microphone to listen to anyone.

May 8, 2023 10:31 AM in response to 6XChinaXDollX9

6XChinaXDollX9 wrote:

An an iphone be cloned with the SIM card or device itself if they had access to it.

A SIM card can be cloned. The iPhone itself, cannot be cloned, but its data can be copied. If using an eSim it can be also be copied to a different iPhone. This would take a while to complete however, so unless it was out oof your sight for an extended period of time (30 minutes or more), its unlikely to have happened.

Or if you have 2 devices both logged onto the same cloud and one is stolen can they get access to watch your screen listen to your microphone and access your data and saved files on the phone?

If they have access to your iCloud account, they can log into it, and see any files stored in iCloud. They can't get access to your camera, screen or microphone in any way.

I still have one of the iPhones and one was stolen which I put in lockdown mode and bc they knew the screen code took it out of lost mode. Somehow they are still able to access my files on my phone and see or hear the screen and mic.

Not possible. They are trying to trick you. As mentioned, they may have access to your files in iCloud and on the device if they managed to unlock it, but there is no way for them to see your screen or hear your mic. It's simply to something that can be done.

I know they have said they can clone phones and had a software or device able to do it with iPhones but even after changing my pad they are still accessing and even remotely controlling the phones mic and editing and deleting files saved on the device only.

Again, not really possible to do this. not sure what you are seeing, but I can almost guarantee this is not what is happening.

How is this possible and could it have something to do with the google accounts I also have on my I phone or is it the SIM card or remote accessing my device like was done with desktop computers by tech support.

Not possible to remote access an iPhone. Not through the sims are which only holds settings, and certainly not through a Google account.

If they have access to your iCloud account, they can modify files, contacts, calendar entries, notes and photos synced to iCloud, and you would see those modifications on your device.

You can stop this, by changing your iCloud password, and even changing the email address associated with your Apple ID.

click here ➜ Change your Apple ID password - Apple Support

Also click here ➜ If you think your Apple ID has been compromised - Apple Support

Mar 25, 2024 11:25 PM in response to Regina779

i feel your pain all the way around. Total time dealing with this so far is three years give or take…. Nobody believes you, people start treating you like you actually crazy and need to be rehabilitated, dedicated, or incarcerated. You are not alone in being the recipient of strange “cyber-attacks” without having an obvious reason as to why you were chosen for such a prestigious gift. Maybe we all have something in common that we are as yet unaware of. Maybe we should all link up and chat? I’m sick of fighting an unknown enemy blind. I’m ready to scrounge up some glasses

Apr 28, 2023 7:42 AM in response to Tmac5200

You don't.

There is no known malware that can affect an iPhone.

There's no way to install spyware, unless someone had physical access to your unlicked iPhone with a computer for an extended period of time.

There are no apps that check for these things, since due to the nature of iOS, there's no way for them to scan outside of the their own designated app area. iOS is sandboxes, that means apps cannot access areas outside of their own app sandbox.

If you explain what issue you are experiencing, someone may be able to an advise, but it's almost certainly not malware or spyware.

Nov 3, 2023 7:03 PM in response to Tmac5200

So it’s funny tha I found this post because I’m going through the same thing first, I had an android and it happened so I decided to get iPhone believing that it wasn’t possible or to happen and yet it’s still happening basically the same story that was just giving and do not know what to do so I went to Apple one with the first phone and they told me my camera was an aftermarket camera. It was the camera that did not come with the phone now I bought the phone brand new from T-Mobile. It was no way it could have an aftermarket camera so they gave me a new iPhone in to replace that one and the new iPhone is still doing the same things so I would sure like to know how to resolve this as well

How do I check my iPhone for spyware/malware

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