How do I remowe OneDrive icon from menu bar? (Ventura)
I can not simply press and hold “command” key and drag the OneDrive icon out of the manu bar, like I can do it with every other icon. How can I remove it?
MacBook Air (2018 – 2020)
I can not simply press and hold “command” key and drag the OneDrive icon out of the manu bar, like I can do it with every other icon. How can I remove it?
MacBook Air (2018 – 2020)
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but that won't remove the icon if OneDrive is running.
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but that won't remove the icon if OneDrive is running.
In the Menu Bar, click on the One Drive Icon.
Then, tap on the Gear icon. Select Quit. You may get a warning that files will not sync.
If you do not want the app to start at Login, Click on One Drive icon, tap gear icon > Preferences uncheck Open at Login.
I don't use OneDrive but after doing an online search it seems it's not possible. So unless there is a setting in OneDrive itself. It doesn't seem possible.
FWIW, there is an app, Bartender 4, which is supposed to give you more control over icons in the Menu Bar. Whether it works with the OneDrive icon I can't say. There is a free trial.
Another possible way to accomplish this is to uninstall the app
Then access the files using the web portal:
I was answering the question posed, how to remove the icon.
PowerBook Attorney wrote:
I was answering the question posed, how to remove the icon.
Yes, that would do it. As would Randall_2023's suggestion of uninstalling OneDrive.
It has solved it, thank you!!
Glad it worked.
How do I remowe OneDrive icon from menu bar? (Ventura)