Hi jaceygeer14,
welcome to the Apple (user-to-user) Community.
Seems everyone would normally have access automatically, once you subscribe to the family Apple Music plan.
Seems everyone will have their own library, and can add their preferred music, re-download previous iTunes purchases etc.
After you set up Family Sharing, eligible subscriptions are automatically shared with your family members.
If your family members can't access a subscription, the article below can help with what to do:
Eg: If you want to double-check:
make sure that "Share with Family" is turned on:
Add a family member to your shared subscriptions - Apple Support
And for family members:
What to do:
If you can't find your family's shared content – Apple Support
If you want to use purchase sharing:
What is purchase sharing?
Purchase sharing is a feature that you can use after you set up Family Sharing. When you turn on purchase sharing, everyone in your family gets access to the apps, music, films, TV shows and books that family members buy from Apple.
Learn how shared purchases work with Family Sharing, what the family organiser is responsible for, and how to update your payment methods.
Family purchases and payments:
How to share purchases with your family – Apple Support
Family Sharing website
Family Sharing - Apple
All the best :-)