can track my airTag in my pc ???
can track my airTag in my pc
iPhone 7, iOS 15
can track my airTag in my pc
iPhone 7, iOS 15
If we can track apple tags (items) using the app on a iphone, why can't it work using icloud ??
If we can track apple tags (items) using the app on a iphone, why can't it work using icloud ??
What would it take to include items into de FindMy function of the web browser?
I agree, it would be very helpful if I could look up the airtag with findmy on my PC. Really bummed that I can't.
yes i use it and when i login and click ALL DEVICES i don't find AirTag option ?
I am terribly sorry. You are right, and my response above is incorrect.
AirTags are considered items, not devices. (Devices have a sign-in using your Apple ID.) Items do not appear in
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can track my airTag in my pc ???