Will iPhone 7 support iOS 16?
why can’t iPhone 7 get iOS 16
[Re-titled by Moderator]
why can’t iPhone 7 get iOS 16
[Re-titled by Moderator]
You should have minimum 3 GB RAM to run IOS 16
There are six pages in this thread, ALL saying if you have an iPhone 7, it cannot support iOS 16. You can ask as nicely as you want, but the answer will not change and again, NO, you cannot run iOS 16 on any iPhone 7.
Jamesdavidbatoctoy wrote:
I want ios
If you have an iPhone, you have iOS.
But you will not have iOS 16 on an iPhone 7. Only a version of iOS that the iPhone 7 supports. For the iPhone 7, the latest release of iOS 15 is the end of the line. Today, that's iOS 15.8.2. If iOS 15 is not recent enough for you, you will need to replace your iPhone 7 with a more recent iPhone.
Hello~ No … that it is incorrect.
henri31 wrote:
Update 7
Please see page 1 of this thread, or any page from 1 - 6.
henri31 wrote:
Update 7
Replace 7. 😉
Lilzinyrich wrote:
Please send me the os 16 so I can test it out on my iPhone 7 please for a review
Hello and welcome to the thread.
If you are running iOS 15 (currently 15.8.2), then you are running the latest available iOS version.
iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus are not supported on iOS 16 and later.
If you have an app that requires iOS 16 or later, you will need a newer (used, refurb) or new iPhone.
Any recent iPhone will be substantially more capable than an iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus, as well.
sokaina177 wrote:
Is it possible to update the iPhone 7+ system to become system 8?
No iPhone 7 Plus to iPhone 8 Plus hardware upgrade exists.
No iPhone anything to iPhone anything hardware update exists.
Not short of replacement with a newer (used, refurb) or new iPhone.
You’ll best want to replace that iPhone 7 Plus with an iPhone XR, iPhone XS, iPhone SE 2nd, or newer.
Or scrounge an iPhone 8 or iPhone X, as they’re not as far off current support as is an iPhone 7 Plus.
iPhone 7 puls? Update? Pl
The latest update to iOS 15 is iOS 15.8.
About iOS 15 Updates - Apple Support
To update an iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus to it, see the directions in:
Update your iPhone or iPad - Apple Support
Mohmedhamidx5 wrote:
I need to update my phone so how can I get help
If you need to update your phone, start here:
Refurbished iPhone Deals - Apple
(Or in the appropriate online Apple Store for your country/region.)
The type of update you will be doing is called a "forklift upgrade", where you replace an outdated iPhone 6 that can't run anything later than the latest version of iOS 12, with a newer iPhone that can.
update iOS 16
I want to have the iOS 16 on my iPhone 7
There is no update to iOS 16 for the iPhone 7.
why can’t iPhone 7 get iOS 16
In very simple terms, the iPhone 7 is too old.
Ask F-Secure, this is not an Apple product.
Will iPhone 7 support iOS 16?