Picture for SMS contacts without details
Hi there!
I've got a question – there plenty of shops, few banks and some of other organisations, that send me SMS messages notifications and I want to add a picture for each of these contacts.
But there is a problem – in common, you can see a name of the sender in messages list (pic. 1) and conversation (pic. 2), but if you open detail, it will show empty contact card without name (pic. 3) and empty details (pic. 4). As the result, I can't tie the sender with a contact card so that assign a picture to it.
Pic. 1
Pic. 2
Pic. 3
Pic. 4
So the question is: is there a way to add a picture for an SMS sender who has all contact details in contact card empty? Maybe some third-party app from the Apple App Store?
iPhone X