iphone 14 pro barcode scanner issues
I see several threads about 3rd party apps not scanning. I have tried several different apps on my iPhone 14 Pro max and all of them have the same problem. Am I alone here?
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I see several threads about 3rd party apps not scanning. I have tried several different apps on my iPhone 14 Pro max and all of them have the same problem. Am I alone here?
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Hi stephschirradev,
Thanks for posting in Apple Support Communities.
We understand that you're downloading apps that aren't working as expected. If you have made sure your device is running the latest software and there aren't any updates for the affected app, removed and reinstalled it it would be best to contact the app developer.
Find a quick list of steps to perform when apps aren't working as desired on iPhone in If an app on your iPhone or iPad stops responding, closes unexpectedly, or won’t open - Apple Support.
Hello stephschirradev,
Are you having the same issue with other photos, besides barcodes, when trying to use the rear camera up close? This page has info which may help:
About the Camera features on your iPhone - Apple Support
Section titled "Capture close-ups with macro photos and video".
This page has pertinent info also:
Magnetic accessories might interfere with iPhone cameras - Apple Support
If you're still have issues, we'd advise to contact Apple Support, so they can look into this with you.
Take care!
It’s not unique to one app. It’s only the iPhone 14 Pro Max. The 11, 7, and 14 (not pro) all work. The camera cannot focus on a barcode. QR codes work fine. Just not barcodes.
Yep, it's an issue with the 14 Pro Max. I have the same problem with the camera not focusing in on barcodes in Third party apps. My Kids have the same problem with theirs as well.
iPhone 15 pro also can’t scan barcodes either.
iphone 14 pro barcode scanner issues