Import MiniDV (Sony DCR-PC1000) to MacBook Pro M2max (Ventura). Mac does not recognize camcorder?
I've seen other threads about this issue and this far I understand that Ventura and the new MacBook Pros on Apple Silicon do indeed support importing from old miniDV camcorders via DV out on the camcorder. My setup is:
- camcorder in cradle w/ FireWire 4-pin out
- FW 4-pin -> FW 6-pin cable
- FW 6-pin cable into Apple Thunderbolt (TB) -> TB 2 adapter
- TB 2 cable end into Apple TB 2 -> TB 3 adapter
- TB 3 (usb-c port) into MacBook Pro TB4 port.
The camcorder does seem to recognize the connection as the text "DV out, i.LINK" appears/disappears when plugging in/out any of the cables in the "chain". However, nothing happens on the Mac end. I've tried:
- Finding the camcorder in FCPx, iMove and QuickTime
- Checking the system preferences (system report), nothing seems to show up here. I have seen other threads where it is mentioned that the "Thunderbolt to Firewire adapter" shows up, but this text is there whether or not the cable is plugged in making me believe it does not have anything to do with my adapter...
Are there anybody out there with this setup (MiniDV camcorder, similar adapters and a MacBook Pro M1/2 on Ventura) that has gotten this to work?
Thank you for the help!
MacBook Pro (M2 Max, 2023)