This hasn’t worked for me. I try to save articles from the internet using either Word or Pages on my ipad pro 11”. I can copy/paste text just fine. But I can’t copy the logo image that is on the webpage so I can show where the article is from. For example I am trying to copy the logo image for Four Leaf Rover. It has a 4 leaf clover pic for the “O” in Rover. Only the text is copied and not the logo image.
May I also ask why when I copy paste a full length magazine article from online, the pictures for the article don’t copy/paste. Only the text.
Is there an easier way to save articles to a place that I can highlight text and maybe add a star next to import info? I’ve tried Word and am now using Pages. But it is so very time consuming. I wish I could just highlight articles online and be able to bookmark the article and when I would open the arrticle again all the highlighting would still be on the page.