Getting the Dreaded "cannot sync iPhone, the required file cannot be found" error
Consindering that this exact bug has been around since at least 2010 (see "Required file cannot be found" when sync… - Apple Community) I would like to expression my great frustration with Apple engineers for their love of never fixing longstanding bugs.
So, I'm trying ot sync my iPhone 13 running up to date iOS 16.6. I have the feeling that the error is coming from me trying to sync photos, or possibly sync audiobooks. Turning these options off result in the "Apply" button (to restart the sync) being greyed out, so I can't even try again without waiting 30 minutes or restarting the computer (again...).
Back in 2010, the fix was to "delete the iPod photos cash in iPhotos" or something quaint like that. I can't find anything like that in 2023.
Maybe I'll teach my son about this bug, and we can pass it down, from generation to generation, until one day we finally solve this dumb bug that Apple can't be bothered to fix, or provide guidance for how to fix, that's been with us for 13+ years and counting.
Mac Studio (2022)