Australopithicus01 wrote:
I have not supplied Black Magic figures because if I start up from an external drive, Black Magic reads only the performance of the host drive. If I point Black Magic to the internal drive as you requested I receive a message saying, “Disk speed test cannot be run on the selected location because it is read only”.
You need to point it to the "Data" volume on the internal drive and the "Users" folder on that "Data" volume which should be mounted under "/Volumes". This is probably unnecessary now that we know the Adata SSD is only showing as a 1GB.
Disk 4, the Adata SX8600, (SM2262L) was registered as 2TB when originally installed. It was formatted and worked with my operating system of 200GB before I decided to erase the disc do to the intermittent boot-up behaviour.
The 1GB is a symptom of the problem with the Adata SSD. So far all evidence suggests it cannot be repaired because it cannot be mounted.
You can try writing zeroes to the beginning of the SSD to destroy the existing partition table. Sometimes macOS and Disk Utility can get confused if something unusual is encountered with a partition table. To write zeroes to the beginning of the SSD you first need to get the current drive identifier for the SSD which you can do using Disk Utility. In the above screenshots, the drive identifier for the Adata SSD at the time was "disk4". Make sure to get the current drive identifier because it can change each time the drive is connected or the computer is rebooted.
Once you have the current drive identifier for the AData SSD, you need to launch the Terminal app and use the following commands making sure to replace the "X" in "diskX" with the correct drive identifier.
First lets make sure all volumes are unmounted on "diskX":
diskutil unmountDisk disk4
Now write zeroes to the beginning of the drive identified as "diskX":
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/diskX bs=100m count=10
This last command will prompt for your admin password. Nothing will appear on the screen as you type the password....just press the "Return" key to submit the password. If this command completes without errors, then you can try using Disk Utility to erase the SSD again.
Or you can try connecting the AData SSD to a Windows computer and use Disk Management to delete all partitions. I believe Windows has some type of clear option for SSDs, but I forget how to access that option (may only be available with the Windows command line utility).
I do not understand the importance of your scrutiny of the Apple SSD. Does it potentially provide a clue to restoring the Adata SSD?
I thought you had mentioned a speed issue with the Apple SSD after you reinstalled it again. I guess I misunderstood.