aseret291 wrote:
Hey why my apple computer got locked and show a huge lockbox on the screen saying that my software has been locked and the I need to contact Apple company to remove the lockbox?
If the message is from scammers, it's a standard method of operation for these criminals. They want to frighten some unwary victim enough so that in their panic, fear, and desire to quickly resolve the "issue", the victim falls right into the scammers' trap.
One version of this involves getting a phone call from the "IRS" saying that you owe money and that if you don't pay up right now, over the phone, sheriff's deputies will shortly turn up at your house to arrest you. The real IRS does want their money, but they never collect it in this way. Such calls are scams.
Another involves getting e-mail that says that your computer is infected by hundreds of viruses and that to take care of the problem, you should "click here" (perhaps to allegedly renew an anti-virus subscription). Don't.
I got one with an Apple logo saying "Your iCloud Storage Is full" and offering a "Free Storage Upgrade". Only my iCloud storage is not full, and the message was from scammers, not from Apple. At the bottom of the e-mail was an "Unsubscribe" link, but with spams and scams, such links are untrustworthy. Clicking on them may only prove to the spammer or scammer that someone is reading e-mail sent to your address, encouraging them to send even more.