Formulas and Functions Google Sheets vs Apple Numbers
Hello guys,
I work as a data analyst and I'm trying to move from google sheets to Numbers because I feel like Apple's Softwares I way more comfortable for me to work on. There are few things I have been struggling with such as functions. Attached you will find a function that I have been trying to get to work on numbers but I don't seem to figure out by myself how to make them work.
A short description of what I'm trying to do is: on a different table I'm willing to bring data making reference to another table from the same document, just on a different tab...On google sheets I can achieve that writing a function that looks like this: =COUNTIF('RAW Data'!G:G,A2)... Basically what I'm trying to do is Summarise the data encountered in the Column G from my "RAW data" table, and bring it to my A2 cell on a different one. --See screenshot 1 --.
Another problem I have but I have solved it using the "MONTH" function is the following one -- See screenshot 2-- Notice how in the cell G2 I used the formula =TEXT(B2,"mmmm") to strict the month as a string from Cell B2 which is a date format.
Using numbers I had to extract the month's number from the date and then create an extra column labelled as Month Name using the Formula =MONTHNAME and select the number from the previous column.
Screenshot 1:
Screenshot 2
Can someone help me?
MacBook Pro 13″, macOS 13.4