Calendar repeat custom Every 4 weeks including Sunday
When setting up an event that repeats every 4 weeks and occurs 4 days in the week, the process works fine until Sunday is included.
If Sunday is included/selected, the event only appears on the first Sunday and not the other 3 days of the first week. The following 4th week entries for the most part show only Sunday but can have the events correctly displayed for the week.
Changing {ending repeat} to {Never} or {On Date} had no effect on the event.
Changes were attempted on iOS, MacOS, and iPadOS - All devices had up-to-date upgrades. The first event was deleted many times. Some events during the week were deleted but the remaining events had no effect because a single event was deleted. The event was given different names and if Sunday was included results didn't work.
Since 3 of the 4 events did not include Sunday, the fix was scheduling Sunday on a separate event from the Weekdays and Saturday for that particular week.
[Edited by Moderator]
iPhone SE, iOS 14