Installation of Mac OS X Leopard 10.5 on iMac5,1
I am "re-vitalizing" the old iMac of my wife. It ran on Tiger 10.4.11 with no real internet access, due to missing / outdated security protocols. My plan is to upgrade this iMac 5 to the highest possible Mac OS X Lion.
As first step on this journey, I created a boot-stick for Leopard. The install failed with the message "The Installer could not validate the contents of "AdditionalSpeechVoices" package" (see also "Frozen Install: Additional Speech Voices") and the Installer log below.
Environment I am using:
iMac5,1 - Intel Core 2 Duo - 2.16 GHz - L2C-Cache 4 MB - RAM 1 GB
Mac OS-X Installer version 1.0.4 (118)
What happened so far:
- During the installation of Leopard, I was not able to select the disc for installation. To overcome that issue, I followed this article and erased my working Tiger installation from the hard drive. I regret that move by now.
- Then I manually set the system date into the past (something like 2008) because I had read about the hint, the package validation error may be related to outdated certificates. This did not help in my case.
- Another tip was to "simply skip that package" during installation. This is, what I tried to achieve - and where I am stuck now.
Sequence of action and current status:
- I used a linux machine and followed this article to manipulate the "read-only installer file system". Clever would have been to just rename the file AdditionalSpeechVoices.pkg in directory /media/jr/system/installation/packages to something like AdditionalSpeechVoices.txt or similar. But I deleted the file.
- That deletion resulted in "file count error" on the installation media, during installation. I "corrected that" via adding the file with the changed name AdditionalSpeechVoices.txt back into the original directory /media/jr/system/installation/packages. My assumption is, that the file will not be recognized as installer package and hence be skipped during installation - what would bring me one step further - to whatever the next issue will be on my installation journey ; o
- Using the sudo fsck.hfsplus -f /dev/sdXY command on my installation media did some changes / corrections. I assume, these are "recognized" by the installer on the iMac - resulting in a "halt" of the install, even before extracting the files. When running First Aid on the installer media, looks like the permissions are messed up. See below result, when rinnging "Verify Disk Permissions":
Where to go from here?
- how difficult is it, if I try to continue / correct my installation media from here? All tips are welcome!!
Of course, I could try other operating systems on the iMac - but I wanted to stick to Mac OS X.
Thank you and best regards,
Earlier Mac models