I have $10 in my account and I am unable to use it. I try and it won’t let me.
I have $10 in my account and I am unable to use it. I try and it won’t let me.
I have $10 in my account and I am unable to use it. I try and it won’t let me.
See -> Add a payment method to your Apple ID
Add a payment method to your Apple ID – Apple Support (UK)
If you're still unable to update your payment method, Contact Apple Support.
See also -> What you can buy with your Apple Gift Card or Apple Account balance
What you can buy with your Apple Gift Card or Apple Account balance – Apple Support (UK)
If you still need help, get more help and assistant from Apple directly, see Contact Apple for support and service -> Contact Apple for support and service – Apple Support (UK)
See -> Add a payment method to your Apple ID
Add a payment method to your Apple ID – Apple Support (UK)
If you're still unable to update your payment method, Contact Apple Support.
See also -> What you can buy with your Apple Gift Card or Apple Account balance
What you can buy with your Apple Gift Card or Apple Account balance – Apple Support (UK)
If you still need help, get more help and assistant from Apple directly, see Contact Apple for support and service -> Contact Apple for support and service – Apple Support (UK)
What is happening if you want to spend it? You might want to Contact - Official Apple Support to get further support on this issue
I have $10 in my account and I am unable to use it. I try and it won’t let me.