Numbers makes two types of chart. Most of the listed types, including the one you have chosen,
are 'Category Charts' and chart a collection of values against a number of Categories.
Categories are spaced equally along the Category axis (horizontal, in your example)
Values are indicated by the height of each value above the category axis.
The second type, a Scatter chart, has two value axes; an x axis (horizontal) and a y axis (vertical). each data point displays the x value and the related y value, using the distance from that values axis.
While the value labels along each axis are evenly spaced, the data points being charted are not necessarily placed at those label positions.
Replacing your Line Chart with an XY scatter chart wll provide the display you want. Dates (the x values) labels may not include all of the dates, and will be equally spaced (as will the price labels on the Y axis) but the individual data points will not be restricted to alignment with those labels (as they are on the Category chart shown in your example), but will be detemined by the data itself (as the prices are on your table).
PS: Category charts require the Categories be entered in a Header Column or Header Row and data Values to be entered in a non-header column or row.
Scatter charts require X and Y data values to be entered in non-header columns with paired X and Y values entered in the same rows.