How can I get more storage in iCloud
My iPhone does not enough storage. How do I get more?
iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 11
My iPhone does not enough storage. How do I get more?
iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 11
First, you need to understand that once purchased, there is no way to add memory to an iPhone. Buying more space in iCloud will NOT add space to your iPhone. It will simply permit you to sync more data with iCloud. You may not need more space in iCloud.
If your phone is out of space, the only thing you can do is delete things you don't need or use, such as apps, photos, music, files, messages, email, etc.
Read this link about the difference between physical storage and iCloud Storage --> What's the difference between device storage and iCloud storage? - Apple Support
If you do need more space in the cloud to sync more data with, you can use the directions in this link --> What's the difference between device storage and iCloud storage? - Apple Support
You should ONLY do this if you really need more space in iCloud and as long as you understand that buying more space in iCloud will do nothing to give you more space on your iPhone.
Next time you buy a new iPhone, buy one with the most memory you can afford. Once purchased, it is fixed and cannot be made larger.
If you're referring to iCloud storage, click here and follow the instructions.
If you're referring to the iPhone's internal storage, it isn't upgradable.
How do I buy more storage on my iphone
As Niel already stated, you cannot buy more storage on your iPhone. The only way to increase storage on the iPhone is to delete existing content. You cannot add more storage to an iPhone.
How can I get more storage in iCloud