How much does it cost to replace battery for iPhone 11?
Just wanted to ask how much does it cost to replace your battery for iPhone 11 because it’s currently at 83% but i am looking forward to replacing it when it reaches 80%
iPhone 11
Just wanted to ask how much does it cost to replace your battery for iPhone 11 because it’s currently at 83% but i am looking forward to replacing it when it reaches 80%
iPhone 11
You can get an estimate here:
iPhone Battery Repair & Replacement - Apple Support
In the U.S., it's $89 dollars. If you're not planning on replacing the phone this year, it's absolutely worth it.
Buying a used phone, unless it's from someone you know and trust is a big gamble. Getting the battery replaced by someone other than Apple or an Authorized Apple Service Provider is also a gamble as they will most likely not be using a genuine battery.
You can get an estimate here:
iPhone Battery Repair & Replacement - Apple Support
In the U.S., it's $89 dollars. If you're not planning on replacing the phone this year, it's absolutely worth it.
Buying a used phone, unless it's from someone you know and trust is a big gamble. Getting the battery replaced by someone other than Apple or an Authorized Apple Service Provider is also a gamble as they will most likely not be using a genuine battery.
jerold146 wrote:
My battery is 80% now then iwant to back in 100%
Please read the support article linked in the reply immediately above your post.
If you ask at your nearest Apple store, you will get the answer.
My battery is 80% now then iwant to back in 100%
It costs a decent amount if you don’t want to go to the nearest Apple Store then try eBay or Amazon ( the prices change alot so I’m not sure the exact amount )if you can’t find something fitting or affordable in my experience it should be cheaper just to buy a brand new older phone Maby a 10 or 9 because the people who install the batteries ( in less your a technician ) charge a lot plus after the gen 6 I feel like they haven’t changed that much…
hope this helps
My battery is 80% now then iwant to back in 100%
Replace your old battery with a new battery. This is the only way to do what you want.
Not exactly. Not if you can create negative entropy.
jerold146 wrote:
My battery is 80% now then iwant to back in 100%
That is not possible. It would violate the laws of physics.
How much does it cost to replace battery for iPhone 11?