Is my Apple Watch ultra a fake
Absolutely would not pair using Apple Watch app. Had to download “ultra watch” app
Apple Watch Ultra
Absolutely would not pair using Apple Watch app. Had to download “ultra watch” app
Apple Watch Ultra
I verified the serial number on the apple coverage page, it’s an actual apple product. So now I’m totally confused.
I verified the serial number on the apple coverage page, it’s an actual apple product. So now I’m totally confused.
Unfortunately it is very common for fake watches to use real serial codes for expired applecare applewatch ultra watches. When I purchased mine through marketplace my initial thought was serial number = real but I then saw obvious fakes on marketplace showing real serial numbers engraved on their fake watches and a fake v real video on youtube where the fake had a real serial number. The fakes are getting a hold of real serial numbers and putting them on their watches. The guy I purchased the watch off of agreed to meet with me at an applewatch store and all the applewatch employee did was essentially check the serial number and say their best guess is it's a real watch but they aren't sure because they acknowledged fakes do use real ultra serial numbers.
Luckily my seller was patient and allowed me to connect my phone to the watch prior to purchase but without that there is no defintiive way to tell if the watch is real or a really good fakes. The fakes are getting very good out there. Even the youtube videos of fakes in the past are outdated. The fakes are much better currently.
Just bought and I am 99.99% syre mine is real but I've still got a little bit of PTSD so I'm googling fakes v real
If you needed to download an additional app to allow it to connect, it certainly would appear to be a Non-Apple device.
Brilliant! So there's no way of knowing! I'd have expected Apple to be better than this.
if you have to download an app for your apple watch that is not the official apple watch app then it's obviously a fake watch.
the invoice could had been a fake too.
Just buy from Apple or ask for proof of purchase…receipt
Is my Apple Watch ultra a fake