Ku4hX: I have multiple accounts with various OSP's. I did get to solve that problem. I downloaded the Mail removal tool from MS and that erased all the Outlook files. After running the Outlook removal tool, I was able to add a new account, although it didn't allow me to secure sockets Layer (SSL) settings. I'll deal with that later.
MacMikeinOK: I like the idea of keeping my information on my local machine, although it's nice to use a Citrix type
of format. I did see those installed applications on my MacAir, but I love the MS apps. I decided to purchase MS Office & Business from the eBay site, which will give me all the missing MS apps. I will have to find my old "Office mail file (.pst) and do the old copy and Paste to retrieve my old mailboxes. Unless there is a way to restore it from my iCloud????
Thaks to both of you for all your help.