maydemillenium wrote:
Sure, what a great idea. Amazing! Uhmmm, just one small question: And what about those who don't have S. in the trash bin?
I think there are multiple issues causing some of these stalled updates. Some occurred where emptying the bin fixed it clearly had something "live" in the trash that was impeding the update. However my experience has been that sometimes people are too impatient and when they interrupt the update it may impede the next try even worse because the killed off process may not terminate cleanly.
My experience with this update (with two MacBook Pros and one iMac) was that leaving it alone is always best. Both of the MacBook Pros took much longer than 5 minutes when that indicator came on, in one case nearly an hour, but the other was just about 15 minutes. The iMac, which is newer and faster, was very fast.
I would let it run overnight before concluding that it will never complete. At that point I would boot into safe mode and try to update from there. If that fails I would boot into recovery and run Disk First Aid.
If all these things fail, I would make sure that I have two viable backups (e.g. Time Machine) and then follow Apple's instructions for preparing the Mac for sale, which basically wipes it clean followed by a fresh OS install. Then I would, upon first boot up, create one Admin user, it could be named Admin. Then update the MacOS to the latest version. This will work unless there is a hardware problem, as the Mac is a vanilla Mac configured like a brand new computer, with nothing but its MacOS (and Apple supplied programs). Then, when fully updated, run Migration Assistant and migrate over only files and user accounts, but no settings or Applications or other miscellaneous items. Then one has to reinstall third party software. This sounds like a lot of effort but it really only takes a few hours, possibly less time than cycling repeatedly to the stalled MacOS update. I have done this on an older Mac that hung like this on a security update. It did fix the problem in that instance.