To remove or change the wallpaper on your iPhone's screen, follow these steps:
- Open Settings: Tap on the "Settings" app on your iPhone's Home screen.
- Go to Wallpaper: Scroll down and tap on "Wallpaper."
- Choose a New Wallpaper: Tap on "Choose a New Wallpaper."
- Select a Source: You can choose from Apple's default wallpapers under "Dynamic" or "Stills," or you can select a photo from your own albums.
- Choose the Image: Tap on the image you want to set as your new wallpaper.
- Adjust the Image: Move and scale the image as desired. You can also choose between "Still" and "Perspective" modes.
- Set: Once satisfied with the positioning, tap "Set" in the bottom right corner.
- Choose Where to Set: A menu will pop up asking if you want to set the image as your Lock Screen, Home Screen, or Both. Make your selection based on where you want the new wallpaper.
- Confirmation: Once you've made your selection, the wallpaper will change to the new image you've chosen.