Httpd launches each time I start MacOS Sonoma in a Parallels VM
This may be more technical a question than Apple Discussions is designed for. I have a Parallels VM I use to run a development version of a Wordpress site. The VM was running Ventura, and I upgraded it to Sonoma. Since then, every time I restart that VM, httpd launches automatically, even though System/Library/Launchdaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist says <key>Disabled</key><true/>. However it does say <key>KeepAlive</key><true/> as well. And if I just kill the PIDs running httpd, it restarts within seconds.
I'm using nginx for the Wordpress site, so with Sonoma, on a restart I need to run sudo launchctl bootout system /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist in order to stop Apache for good so I can run nginx.
What is odd is that Ventura did not do this. Just upgrading the VM to Sonoma started this behavior. Any idea on what process or system setting is causing Sonoma to launch Apache when it reboots?
MacBook Pro 13″, macOS 14.0