In Custom, there are two "behaviors": one is to sequence the properties from the beginning to the 2 second mark; the other is to sequence the properties from the 3 second mark to the end... except, the timing for the end animations STARTS at 3 seconds and ends at 5 seconds MINUS Out Duration... that is, the out animation will always start at 3* seconds and end at 3 seconds + out duration... everything at the end is "over" before the last frame of the title.
*The default project length of Custom is 5 seconds. There is a Build In Mandatory that sets the incoming animation at exactly 2 seconds no matter how long you set the Title in FCP. The Out sequencing is not governed by a Build Out marker which would set the animation timing — it will "time stretch" so that the animation will be determined by how long you make the title. (If you make the title shorter than 2 seconds, there will be NO out animation.)
I altered the timing of the title so that both the In and Out animations can go the entire length of the title (you set the timing in % of the length you set the title) and overlap! I removed the Build In Mandatory marker so In timing will depend on "time stretch".
You can find this altered version here: (Custom - SC)
and there is a companion Title called Custom Paragraph - SC which sets up the text in Paragraph format (allows for tabs and other formatting features...) if you're interested. [SC stands for sight-creations which is my dba.]
These downloads are all free, so take a look around.
If you need help installing the templates: