Hey there!
If you're still having this issue, this procedure will help gather information about your Mac which will be helpful in troubleshooting.
First, share a screenshot of your Mac’s storage information. In the Finder, choose Go > Utilities, then double-click the Disk Utility icon. (Disk Utility is located in the /Applications/Utilities folder.) Alternatively, click Launchpad in the Dock, type Disk Utility in the search field, then click the Disk Utility icon. Once Disk Utility is open, take a screenshot of the information it automatically opens to, which will be your startup disk. Next, select View > Show All Devices in Disk Utility and select the non-indented disk entry—it’s at the top of the hierarchy. Then, take a screenshot of the newly selected entry. Upload all screenshots here.
Next, use Apple Diagnostics to test your Mac to help determine if there might be a hardware component at fault. When testing is complete, Apple Diagnostics shows the results, including one or more reference codes.
Learn about Apple Diagnostics reference codes
Let us know which reference codes you receive.
Finally, let us know what antivirus, VPN, or cleaning software you have installed.