Multiple password managers
I found this Issue here: Multiple password managers - Apple Community
But it has been brushed off.
As of 2024-01 / iphone 15 / ios 17.2.1
I want to raise this again, because it's missing the right highlight.
I am able to select any *one* password manager.
I am able to select *two* password managers *only if* the second one is 'keychain' from Apple.
This is not an App Issue. *Any* selected third party password manager is *automatically* deselected on change.
Apple's Keychain is *never* deselected. Settings doesn't ask.
This is not only a nuisance, this is a dircet violation of EU 'federal' law:
Consolidated version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union - PART THREE: UNION POLICIES AND INTERNAL ACTIONS - TITLE VII: COMMON RULES ON COMPETITION, TAXATION AND APPROXIMATION OF LAWS - Chapter 1: Rules on competition - Section 1: Rules applying to undertakings - Article 102
quote: "(c) applying dissimilar conditions to equivalent transactions with other
trading parties, thereby placing them at a competitive disadvantage;"
I realize that Apple is an american company. USB-C tho.
Please fix this.
Have a great day!
iPhone 15