Apple ID verification pop up but the email stated is not mine?
I cant find the email address in any of my settings. Have I been hacked?? I have only ever had my own email linked with my icloud, no one elses.
I cant find the email address in any of my settings. Have I been hacked?? I have only ever had my own email linked with my icloud, no one elses.
it’s just a pop-up asking to enter the password and the title is Apple ID verification. It happened to me the other day and I know the owner of the email that appeared I my phone. I’m concerned and I want to know why it happened!!!!
it’s just a pop-up asking to enter the password and the title is Apple ID verification. It happened to me the other day and I know the owner of the email that appeared I my phone. I’m concerned and I want to know why it happened!!!!
Same thing happened with me too and an ex boyfriend’s email. I am kind of nervous to even write on here because he does try and get ahold of me to this day. Could it possibly do something to do with the update?
Same thing just happened to my wife and I tonight about an hour apart, except the email addresses we’re from friends.
To our knowledge neither person had ever logged into any of our Apple devices and she hasn’t spoken to her friend in years.
we both pressed ‘not now’ and went to look what email addresses were registered to our Apple ID and only ours came up.
thought maybe our IP address/router was hacked because such a weird coincidence it happened to us both.
photo below (covering email because it is a friends).
It was a pop up that you usually get from the settings app, not an email. Where you can either select “not now” or “settings”.
I clicked on settings but it just took me to iCloud, not wherever the email is coming from.
The message was:
Apple ID Verification
Enter the password for "**" in Settings.
^^ not an email of mine nor is it listed anywhere as a hidden email address! Can’t find it listed anywhere in my settings. Just weird!
[Edited by Moderator]
Just had this notification too, and to answer everyone’s questions no I never logged into another iCloud account before (it was the regular Apple id password prompt you get when logging into iCloud through your setting app) one was the emails was Timhoward123
Same issue here - non-recognised email. With these all happening at the same time there is obviously an issue.
Yup, just had this happen to me now. It was my grandma's old email. Only time I ever signed into that email was on the mail website on Safari. She did buy an old iPad of mine and used it for couple of years, but right now its fried in my drawer and she's now opposite end of the country.
Hmmm… not sure if it would be related at all but I was also on tiktok when I git the pop up!
None of these are applicable! Have checked all possible settings. I have never logged in anywhere with an email that isn’t mine nevermind an email!!
I had the same thing this morning, an email of an ex who is locked up in prison now - this really shook me
What exactly is the message? What kind of message is it? A notification? An email? A text message or iMessage?
Frankly there's so much phishing and spam out there that that is my first thought whenever I see anything unusual.
As stated before this is likely to be for an App or song purchase on somebodies else’s account or downloaded via another means and to access this app or music it now requires you to enter the original accounts details to use it ideally need to find out which one it is and delete it from your play list or apps. Is there a way to stop the pop ups whilst I find it?
I doubt it is any malfeasance. There's various places where you can have a different ID on your phone and it could be in one of those if it isn't a relic app from another user.
There are several likely places where you can use a different Apple ID:
1. In Mail if you want to use a different, or more than one, iCloud account. Settings -> mail -> accounts -> add account -> iCloud
2. Messages and Facetime. Sign into a different Apple ID for these services in Settings. Note this has to be the same ID for both. Go to Settings > Messages > Send & Receive, and make sure both your telephone number and Apple ID are input there and both show a checkmark. If you need more help, check this link: Add or remove your phone number in Messages or FaceTime - Apple Support .
3. In the support article: If you subscribe to Apple One and use a different Apple ID for iCloud - Apple Support Apple alludes to using a different Apple ID just for media, subscriptions, and purchases, but doesn't describe how to do this. See if these work:
In iOS/iPadOS: Go to Settings > [your Apple ID] > Media & Purchases. Sign out of the current ID and sign in with a different one.
In Ventura or later: First, quit Settings. Then, in App Store, choose “Sign Out” in the Store menu, then click on the “sign in” button that appears in the main window. You can then sign into the other account. (from: Using different Apple ID for media & … - Apple Community )
4. Use a different Apple ID to share purchases with Family Sharing as outlined in Use a different Apple ID to share purchases with Family Sharing - Apple Support
This just happened to me! I’m so confused!
Same thing happened to me last night at 1:50am. It was my roommates email, never had anything of hers signed in to my phone so I was very confused and creeped out.
Apple ID verification pop up but the email stated is not mine?