Multiple issues per with Unexpected HTTP code and byte range support
I'm using SquareSpace to host our website for our podcast oh, health no! but GoDaddy has the domain so it's connected. We have a 2:40 trailer up on SquareSpace.
Spotify had no issues connecting and neither did iheart but Apple had a ton of issues. And I'm not a techie at all! Can anyone illuminate me? There are no humans to talk to at SquareSpace or GoDaddy and I'm lost!
Apple said the podcast isn't showing up and these are the issues per
Support for HTTP HEAD requests
The server for your episodes must support “HTTP HEAD requests”, which is a fancy way of saying that Apple Podcasts must be able to get information about your files without downloading them whole.
- Unexpected HTTP code: 400
Byte-range support - there's a yellow exclamation point here
The server for your episodes must support “byte-range requests”, which enables podcast apps to fetch media in chunks. This is required to support streaming, and is required to be promoted in Apple Podcasts.
I also got a red x for:
Required namespaces
XML “namespaces” are used to extend the things that can be used in RSS podcast feeds. This tests whether the feed specifies the namespaces needed for PSP-1 compliance.
- “Podcast” namespace was not found
- “Atom” namespace was not found
Required channel elements
- Your channel is missing a atom:link rel="self" element.
Required item elements
- Your episodes are missing enclosure elements.
MacBook Pro 15″, macOS 10.13