How to add a signature to Pages
I can see signatures I have captured in Preview. How can I add a signature from Preview to Pages?
MacBook Air 11″, macOS 11.7
I can see signatures I have captured in Preview. How can I add a signature from Preview to Pages?
MacBook Air 11″, macOS 11.7
To the best of my knowledge, Pages doesn't have a signature function. You can press Command-P in your Pages document, then select Save to PDF. Open the pdf in Preview and add the signature.
To the best of my knowledge, Pages doesn't have a signature function. You can press Command-P in your Pages document, then select Save to PDF. Open the pdf in Preview and add the signature.
This is how I do it in Preview 10.0:
You can also skip step 3 above, and in step 5 drag the cursor over a saved signature in the list.
The signature annotations in Preview are not actual image files and cannot be used outside of Preview. One can change the signature annotation color in Prevew by choosing a different markup border color (e.g. blue) while the annotation is selected.
Hopefully, you have removed any personal privacy information (including GPS location data) from that photo of your signature, because it will travel with the Pages document or exported Word documents.
I took a photo using my iPhone of my signature and store it in Photos.... when I need a signature in Pages, I drag and drop the photo of my signature into the Pages document as you would any photograph. I also have my signature saved in Preview and can click on it to place in a pdf.
How to add a signature to Pages