I re installed One Drive from the Microsoft and all the ini files came back into the trash bin again, after logging on online checking all trash are empty, removing them, but One drive is not able to be removed. I did the same thing again with Terminal and got rid of the files and uninstall One Drive. Then went to App store and install One Drive from there, same thing happened again. Then uninstall, terminal and not re install One drive.
Is this in the setting where to accept not to syn on the Mac?
I noticed that with my icons on the top right, showing my Google icon drive and Drop Box icon drive symbols are in black, but when the One drive was on, this was in a shade of grey. Like it wasnt working probably with Apple Mac?
I do think, the problem with these ini files in the trash box is link to Apple Mac and One drive program, something to do with the last update from Windows and Apple.
I will have to look online for my One Drive files or use a external drive, but then I have to find my adaptor. Another thing to mess around with now!. Can Apple can solve the problem?? Is it possible that Apple can flag this with Windows to point out this is a problem or is the problem with Apple? When I spoken to Microsoft, they said it is Apple's problem!
Can we sort this out, as the Google drive and Drop Box drive works great.