Maryone wrote:
When I bought this phone, I was taught I must receive updates to keep the phone functioning properly.
If that's the case, then I'm pretty sure somebody lied to you, or at least made a sweeping generalization.
I still have my old Mac Plus in a case in the basement. The latest OS it supports is OS 7.5.5.
If I fired it up now it would still be able to do everything it did back in 1986, which means that it still "functions properly". I just can't watch Netflix on it. Or right-click on anything (which it never could do).
Likewise with my iPod touch (6th gen). It tops out at iOS 12.5.7, but it does everything it ever did. It still runs some apps that my iPhone SE 2 with iOS 17.6.1 cannot, such as the "Encyclopedia of Arda" app. Apple removed that from the App Store.
The battery life sucks though.
About the AI ... my iPhone SE 2nd gen is supposed to be able to update to iOS 18 when it's released. It's the earliest model that can.
It will NOT, however, support the AI features, which is fine by me. If I can keep the same or similar functionality of the current Siri, I might even update to 18. Otherwise, no.