The ability to delete a Pages document does not exist in the Pages application. That is the Finder's business. Dragging a file to the Trash and not emptying the Trash does not delete the file as it hangs around in the Trash until it is manually emptied, or you have configured Finder to empty the Trash every 30 days.
If you have just entered content in Pages that you want to undo, then simply press ⌘Z one or more times until what you have entered is removed. Or you can simply select that Page's content and press the delete key.
Pages will save all documents in the same last saved folder location until you change that location. If your Spotlight Category Results include Documents, then it will index all Pages document locations, and you can locate these documents with the following choices of Spotlight syntax options:
kind:pages created:>07/01/2024
kind:pages modified:06/01/2024-07/01/2024 font:helvetica-bold tag:red