FCPX 10.8.1 will not close, M1 mac mini 13.6.7
When quitting it hands on the beachball for a minute before quitting.
When quitting it hands on the beachball for a minute before quitting.
You have Google's keystone software installed. This has been shown to cause problems with the video subsystem. This might be indicated by the 25 VTEncoderXPCServiceZonto crashes.
Follow the instructions at https://chromeisbad.com to remove keystone and Chrome. Simply deleting Chrome.app is not enough. When that's completed, install a fresh copy of FCP from the AppStore. Probably a good idea to also reset FCP preferences.
The WardaSynthesizer_x86_64 has crashed 9 times. Perhaps it's not happy on M architecture.
Reset FCP preferences. Change settings in Final Cut Pro for Mac - Apple Support (English)
Hold Option and Command while launching FCP and choose Delete Preferences. It will open the default Untitled library. Re-open the library you were working on, set the Preferences back to the way you like them (disable background rendering, reset Import to Leave Files in Place, etc.) and see if the issue has been resolved.
If the issue persists, post an https://etrecheck.com report after giving it Full Disk Access in System Settings. Use the "Additional text" button below in your reply to paste the report.
Can't be certain. I wasn't able to locate WardaSynthesizer, found info that it's part of Sonoma. I had updated to Sonoma but it wrecked most of my FXPX and Logic third party plugins. So I then erased the disk and installed Ventura (turns out next-to-last 13.6.8). That's when FCPX started to hang.
No expert here, but that might suggest the OS reinstall/update finally got rid of the WardaSynthesizer? If so, I suppose that reinstalling Chrome could confirm that?
Happily with Brave now and not missing sending daily surveillance to Google.
Various apps at any time. Chrome, Brave, Enpass, Mail, Messages. Word typicall always open. Plus Final Draft, Frameforge presently. I shut down all apps, rebooted, but problem still there. This started after wiping the disk (Sonoma bad), clean install Ventura, and new install FCPX. Also did an additional FCPX install. Still beachballing at quit.
What other appellations are open?
Please post an EtreCheck report https://etrecheck.com giving the application Full Disk Access in Privacy & Security System Settings. Copy the report and use the Add Text button to paste the result into reply box.
FCPX 10.8.1, Mac Pro 2019, 96GB Ram
Whenever I quit I get the beachball. I've waited up to 10 minutes, no luck. Have to force quit eventually.
Selecting clips and resizing is very flaky. Sometimes I can resize, sometimes I can only position. Same on cropping. Very buggy.
Playback goes to a freeze frame (single image) but sound keeps playing. Have to quit to fix (see above).
Ugh! Costing me a lot of time.
Done the usual stuff, deleted prefs, restarted my Mac. Happens on multiple projects from a 7 minute horror movie short to an hour long client instruction video. No plugins used on either.
Still flaky selecting clips - sometimes I can move them but not resize. I have to deselect and reselect to resize. Same on cropping.
Also, freeze frame effect - video stops playing, but timeline keeps advancing and sound keeps working. Have to quit (then the beachball comes and I actually force quit) and reload FCPX to get it working again.
Anyone else?
Please post an EtreCheck report https://etrecheck.com giving the application Full Disk Access in Privacy & Security System Settings. Copy the report and use the Add Text button to paste the result into reply box.
As Tom asked, paste the etrecheck report into your reply using the "Additional text" button.
many thanks, will do, and a follow-up at weekend
Confirm, this did the trick. Many many thanks!
Great! Thanks for reporting back. So to confirm, it was uninstalling the Chrome/keystone stuff? Not the WardaSynthesizer, correct?
Sorry, where is this in Sonoma 14.6.1 prefs?
FCPX 10.8.1 will not close, M1 mac mini 13.6.7