Audio sync problem with multiple HomePod … - Apple Community
Hello, I'm having a trouble with playing songs in my Apple Music with multiples HomePods around my house. After the second music the HomePods are losing the sync and are not syncing again. To resync I have to pause and play again every single time. It start after iOS 18.1 and was not solved with iOS 18.2. I have 2 HomePods first generation in stereo pair, one HomePod first generation, 2 HomePods mini in stereo pair, and 2 HomePods mini in a single setup. I had reset all the HomePods after HomeOS 18.2, I turn off lossless and also Dolby Atmos, also I tried to turn off the audio check settings in the home app and also Apple Music app turn off all the HomePods and my iPhone and turn it again on, I fixed the IPs of all my HomePods. But none of this solved my problem.
I checked the airplay multiroom with Spotify and I have no problem with this That is the reason I think is something with Apple Music app turn off
The problem happen also if the streaming is started from the HomePods, But affect just the multiroom AirPlay using more than one HomePods