The built-in functionality of Numbers will allow you to make a hyperlink to another sheet but not to a specific table or cell. Below is an AppleScript that will do it, though.
You can use Automator to turn a script into a service and then use System Preferences to give it a keyboard shortcut. Or you can make the script into a shortcut (Shortcut app) but I've never been successful assigning a keyboard shortcut to one and having it work.
-- Goto Numbers Cell
-- In a cell in a table will be text of the form sheetname::tablename::cellname
-- such as Sheet 1::Table 1::D4
-- Select the cell then run the script and the focus should move to the specified cell.
-- Alternatively, the cell may contain sheet and table name without the cell name
-- such as Sheet 1::Table 1
-- In this case the focus will move to cell A1 of the specified table
tell application "Numbers"
tell front document
tell active sheet
tell (first table whose selection range's class is range)
set linktext to (value of first cell of (selection range)'s cells as text)
end tell
end tell
set myArray to my theSplit(linktext, "::")
set active sheet to sheet (item 1 of myArray)
tell active sheet to tell table (item 2 of myArray)
if number of items of myArray = 3 then
set selection range to cell (item 3 of myArray)
set selection range to cell "A1"
end if
end tell
end tell
end tell
on theSplit(theString, theDelimiter)
-- save delimiters to restore old settings
set oldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
-- set delimiters to delimiter to be used
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theDelimiter
-- create the array
set theArray to every text item of theString
-- restore the old setting
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
-- return the result
return theArray
end theSplit
These are the basic instructions for not-the-most-recent Mac OS versions:
With the Automator app,
- Create a new Quick Action
- Takes no input in application Numbers
- Drag the Run AppleScript action from the list of actions on the left
- Delete the default text and paste in the script
- Save it with a name like "Goto Cell"
The "quick action" will appear in the Numbers->Service menu
With System Preferences,
- Navigate to Keyboard->Shortcuts->App Shortcuts
- Create a keyboard shortcut for your service/quick action. You must type the menu title exactly as it appears in the menu.
To use it,
- Put text in a cell like it says in the comments at the beginning of the script.
- Select the cell
- Use your keyboard shortcut