Photo “Albums” disappeared after updating to IOS 18
Cannot locate my Albums in Photos. HELP!
iPhone 11 Pro Max, iOS 18
Cannot locate my Albums in Photos. HELP!
iPhone 11 Pro Max, iOS 18
This is the worst update ever. My pictures are a hot mess. Please give us the option to go back to the old format!!!! I am so upset right now. Who does your research before hurting the masses?
This is the worst update ever. My pictures are a hot mess. Please give us the option to go back to the old format!!!! I am so upset right now. Who does your research before hurting the masses?
After spending hours and hours and days and days and weeks and weeks organizing over 100k pictures in my library into albums the upgrade has unilaterally destroyed my work by eliminating my albums. Talk about ill conceived. You can promptly restore them. I have been a longtime Mac user but I am regretting the every penny of the many thousands of dollars wasted on hardware and software from apple. I genuinely hate every single person responsible for this disaster. Fix it now.
After the IOS 18 update my albums went down from 123 (on my iPad which I won’t update until this is sorted out) to 20. So I have lost 103 albums. Although when I searched for art class the album did appear. Any idea how these albums can made to reappear? I won’t remember what a lot of albums are called in order to search for them. Help please!
GIVE ME BACK MY ALBUMS!!!!!! I am really upset about this insane update. Why doesn’t Apple ask the USERS what they want??? We pay for product and services not some person who decides what we need.
I thoroughly agree that this is the worst update that Apple has ever come up with! My photos are a total mess and I want what I had before the update. I’ve wasted so much time on this already that I’m contemplating getting rid of this phone and starting over!
Nope - I am missing at least 6 albums that were there before the update. Tried everything I could find on line - nada. I am beside myself!
Yeah, it changed a bunch. There is no longer separate Library, Albums, etc, windows to select at the bottom. Now when you open Photos in iOS 18, you get everything all a once. (good movie) The top half is the Library, and the bottom has Recent Days and then Albums, People&Pets, Pinned collections like Map and Recent, Memories, and so on. You just Scroll up and down to find Albums.
You can tap on Albums to get a screen that has only albums in their folders. I just discovered that!
Does this work?
I have 160,00 photos in 1,300 albums.
‘there is no way to search albums - to go to that album.
I earn a living with these photos.
Your update - is preventing me from doing my job
I just bought a new $2,400 iPad and it is useless to me now
Since, there is no way to find and go to my albums and folders that house my photos.
We have started a page in social media
Apple’s worst update ever!
You should see what people are saying
I guess I will be going back to an android computer
No, they are not there! My albums are gone! I hate this update! Instead there are some stupid albums that I never created!
FYI EVERYONE: I contacted Apple Support - new design - just open your photos and keep scrolling down and you will find your Album - not convenient or user-friendly at all, but it is there.
How do you make a post on here without just replying? I joined so I could also complain about the photos update… super infuriating
Juszcz5 and everyone. Your Albums are still there. When you open Photos and scroll down to Albums, hit the right arrow next to Albums > and you will see all of your previous albums prior to iOS 18 update. The order may be out of sequence but you are able to see them all, scroll down and open any of your prior albums It also gives you the ability to see Personal, Shared, Activity albums.
I hope this helps and eases a lot of frustration.
Photo “Albums” disappeared after updating to IOS 18 and are not there. It is written No Albums Available
If you go to the pinned collections and scroll all the way to the right side, my albums were in a box at the right end.
You can customize as well.
In Photos, scroll to very bottom and rearrange, add, remove view as you wish.
Favourites, for example is in Pinned so I prefer right under Library, Photos … along with my Albums.
Photo “Albums” disappeared after updating to IOS 18