How do I listen to my music on the go?
I can't sync my iPod classic 80GB with iTunes so I can't download my new music to my iPod. I have downloaded Apple devices to my computer where I can see the music on the iPod. To sync my iPod with the music I have paid for I was told to download Apple Music (Which is a subscriprion service I don't want, all I want to do is pay for the music i want and add it to my playlists, not listen to radio, podcasts and a spotify type of service). I downloaded Apple Music and low and behold I still can't sync my iPod to Apple Music as the Apple Devices app tells me apple music is not downloaded on my computer. So two things 1) how can I download the tracks from Apple Music onto my iPod. 2) If Apple won't let that happen, how can I listen to the music I have paid for when I am out and about. I don't have an iPhone so downloading it to one of those is a none starter.
Windows, Windows 11 (22631)