I have videos with different sizes- how do I make them all work together nicely with the same size?
Which option is the best so the video isn't too much cropped?
Which option is the best so the video isn't too much cropped?
calatheas wrote:
how do I do this? I have a lots of videos from different cameras, thus, videos vary in sizes, resolution etc.
You have to make some choices. For example, most still photos have 4:3 aspect ratio, which is different from the typical, wider aspect ratio 16:9 of horizontal video; vertical video may be 9:16 instead.
Let's say you have some photos that are 4000x3000 pixels (hence a 4:3 aspect ratio), and HD video that is 1920x1080 (a 16:9 aspect ratio).
Create a video project using 1080 p HD, and the frame rate that matches your video frame rate (like 25 or 30fps):
Now all the video clips you add will match the project size perfectly.
The photos will be narrower.
When you add a photo to your project, Final Cut Pro will automatically match it to the project size, so that no part of the image is cut off. The image is automatically scaled to "Fit".
Since the photo has a narrower aspect ratio, at 4:3, it will leave empty space (which you may perceive as "black") on each side. I added a red rectangle in the images to more clearly indicate the area that will be actually visible in the final video.
This behavior is controlled by a parameter called "Spatial Conform" in the Inspector. You can see above that it is set to "Fit".
This default "Fit" can be changed to "Fill" - which, as the name implies, will "Fill" the video frame, so there is no black areas anymore. This will cause some of the top and bottom of the image to be cropped out, as you can see below:
The third option is "None". This places the image at 100% of its size - which, since it has a lot more pixels than the video, will crop out a lot - but this lets you use all those tiny pixels, effectively scaling to see smaller details; you ca also pan, zoom, etc, using all those extra pixels.
What sizes are the videos? What size do you want to output?
Create a Project to match the lowest resolution media. By default FCP sets Spacial Conform to Fit, so everything gets realized automatically.
how do I do this? I have a lots of videos from different cameras, thus, videos vary in sizes, resolution etc.
I have videos with different sizes- how do I make them all work together nicely with the same size?