Pages Template Chooser opens the wrong template
Saved user templates no longer behave properly. This has been raised in older threads. User templates for both Pages and Numbers seems to have moved several times.
Recent posts suggest they are stored in <$USER/Library/Containers/Pages/Data/Library/Application Support/User Templates> and there are templates here, but I think they are redundant. If you click one directly it doesn't seem to open in Pages despite being ID's as a Pages document. When I deleted a local one manually, it offered me a download option, so it's clear that the Cloud is also involved.
However, if you sign in to Pages in iCloud, there is no option for 'My Templates' - they don't show up there, which is surprising. However the same set is visible on Pages on my iPad as on the MacBook.
Anyway, 'My templates' icons do not always match what opens and I'm thinking it's probably easiest to delete them all (from wherever they are kept) and start again.
Anyone else had similar problems and found a way through?