iphone is disabled connect to iTunes cannot be resolved as it could not connect to device
My 94 year old mother-in-law has locked herself out of her iphone 5se (that she only uses when her broadband / phone line fails) and is displaying the 'disabled connect to iTunes' message.
I have connected the iphone to my Mac (running Sonoma 14.6.1) using an original cable.
I have pressed home / power together while the phone is connected so it reboots in recovery mode (and displays the "iPhone is disabled connect to iTunes" message)
Finder recognises the iphone and I have clicked Trust "X's iPhone" on the Mac resulting in the spinning symbol suggesting something is happening. Finder appears to be working (has not stopped responding)
I have waited for over an hour but the phone display does not change (to offer the opportunity to Trust the Mac) and the spinning symbol continues
Any suggestions?
Earlier iPhone models