Batch file rename from CSV file
Hello! I see this question has been asked several times in this community, but I can't seem to figure out why I'm not able to run Automator successfully.
I have 183 audio files. I would like to rename them. I created a CSV file with two columns—column A is current file names and column B is intended file names.
I have followed the instructions in this earlier thread by @VikingOSX, including putting the CSV file in the audio file folder.
The output I get when running the Automator app I've created is "Processing complete with 0 files renamed." I am running Sequoia 15.1.1
Any guidance would be incredibly appreciated!
Process two column CSV by line, and move (rename) old filename to new filename
in specified directory location. Report files that do not exist.
# zsh shell arrays are 1 based
# drop into selected folder chosen from Ask for Finder Items action
cd "${1}"
# a regular array to hold parts of CSV row
typeset -a csv=()
let cnt=0
while read -r line
# split csv line on commas into array elements
# remove double-quotes from each column entry — if they exist
# if old filename exists then rename it
if [ -e $old_file ]; then
mv "${old_file}" "${new_file}"
(( cnt++ ))
echo "${old_file}" >> ~/Desktop/Errors.txt
(( cnt-- ))
# Only if created on Windows, remove carriage returns from line endings
done < <(perl -lne '$_ =~ s/\015?//g && print;' "${CSVFILE:a:l}")
# if return code from above is 0 then processing was successful and we return
# true with the renamed file count
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] && echo "true $cnt" || echo "false $cnt"
AppleScript code
on run {input, parameters}
set {TID, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, space}
set temp to text items of (input as text)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to TID
set status to (item 1 of temp) as boolean
set cnt to (rest of temp) as text
if status then
display dialog "Processing complete with " & cnt & " files renamed." with title "Processing Status"
display dialog "There was an unknown problem" with title "Processing Status"
end if
return input
end run
MacBook Pro 14″