These scores for your Fusion drive system:
System Load: 1.57 (1 min ago) 1.80 (5 min ago) 2.37 (15 min ago)
Nominal I/O usage: 0.03 MB/s
File system: 26.29 seconds
Write speed: 763 MB/s
Read speed: 1148 MB/s
are just a bit under expected speeds but not slow enough to typically cause issues in normal use. Nominals for your Fusion configuration are Writes between 600 and 900 MB/sec, and Reads at about 1300MB/sec and up. Also your File system score of 26+ seconds is excellent and tells me the drive system is heathy. I worry if the File system scores go over about 45-50 seconds. Anything over about 70 seconds is a Big Red Flag.
Unless you go with an expensive thunderbolt external SSD. your current scores are much faster than the typical low-cost external USB3 SSD workaround, which can do no better that 400MB/sec for both reads and writes. Replacing the internal mech hard drive with an SATA 6GB SSD gets you only to 500-600MB/sec. You are already ahead fo those.
I think you have some interferences installed that are not Apple's.
—One VPN is hard enough on system performance. You have FOUR running 😱 and a fifth waiting in the wings. That avarge user does not need even one. Most of the ones over-hyped in TV adverts and popups are close to useless and some actually degrade security. Shut the down and see if drive scores improve.
—OneDrive can be a little too active, and can slow performance if you have a slowinternet upload speed. If your upload speed is about 50MB/sec or higher, don't worry about it.
—Less of a suspect but worth testing is the external USB3 Seagate drive. Seagates are good, but I have seen Etrecheck reports where speed improved after disconnecting a USB external. Easy enough to test.
—This little disturbance in the Force that shows in the report:
2024-12-16 20:31:36 photoanalysisd High CPU Use
Executable: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PhotoAnalysis.framework/Versions/A/Support/photoanalysisd
is easily managed. Please see: