Camera’s circular motion path, shooting toward the center, unexpected results
I have that nasty feeling that I solved that problem few years ago with the help of someone on this very discussion. Unfortunately, I coud not find the thread… But there it is again…
I need to move a camera 360 deg on a circular path with the camera lens pointing at all time toward the center of the circle. Not a big deal, right?
Well, I created a camera, drew a circle on the 0,0,0 coordinates on the XY plane, added a Motion Path behaviour. Expectedly, the camera follows the path without changing its shooting direction whatever that was. So far so good.
Then I tried fiddling with more camera behaviors: Snap Alignment to Motion, and Point At, after having created some 3D text created roughly at the center of the circle, All that to no avail.
I have no idea what I am missing here. Understanding Motion logic is often very challenging and I am not sure where to explore in the end after many unlucky tries.
Motion 5.9
Any idea?